June 30, 2010

Mordheim rebuilt pt. 5

It took most of a day, but everything is Red now. In the end, I used up over 5 cans of spray paint, just to lay down the base coat on all the buildings. So begins, the long task of picking out all the details on each of the ruins. I wonder how long that will take?

Here is a little bit of what I've gotten done so far...


Anonymous said...

Very nice, I hope you post some battle reports in this terrain.

Mr.Esty said...

I haven't been this excited about a scenery project in quite a while! Looks fantastic.

Alexander Man said...

Holy cow! Amazing stuff with the mordheim scenery..! And your blog looks great all together. My first visit here. Have to follow to see how the Mordheim project goes on :)

Larry said...

Thank you kindly, all I'm really doing is using old White dwarf stuff and allot of free time....